Monthly Archives: January 2011

Community colleges ban ‘threatening’ students

By William R. Toler

By next spring, prospective students could be shown the door instead of an open door at their local community college.

The NC Board of Community Colleges voted Friday to ban “threatening students” just weeks after a former community college student allegedly attempted to assasinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) at a public event.

Board members told News Carolina 14 that the policy has been in consideration for about a year.

The policy, although adopted, still has to before a rules commission before it can take effect…G-d help us if it does.
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Observations of a returning student-Part 1

By William R. Toler

As I walk around campus, I take notice of all the changes that have occured at CCC since my departure in 2005. Some good…some not so much.

There are two new buildings, which I have seen on my visits to the college and am now starting to explore. The bookstore is now housed in the Business and Technolgy building, which also contains the computer labs and other classrooms that used to co-exist with the artsy folks in Orringer Hall. 

While I was dismayed about the decision to hand bookstore operations over to Follet  in 2005, I am pleased with the self-service of selecting your own books and the wide variety of college merchandise. 
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Does CCC have double standard?

By William R. Toler

While walking around campus during registration week, a few things caught my eye that seemed to be contrary to college policies.

The first seemingly hypocritical display involves drugs. The Student Organization Handbook includes a prohibition on organizations promoting or impling the use of “alcohol, tobacco or other illegal substance[s].” 

While in the bookstore waiting to purchase my textbook, I noticed several DVDs in a display near the checkout counter. One of them was “PCU”, a comedy about political correctness run amuck on a college campus. The cover features actor Jeremy Piven in a pair of boxer shorts holding a beer mug. Near it was the stoner comedy “How High” starring rappers Redman and Method Man. According to an review, the movie is “destined to become a guilty pleasure of the cannabis crowd.”
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